COUNTBLANK Function in Google Sheets
Ever felt the need to count blank cells in a given data and don't know how? Google Sheets provides us with COUNTBLANK Function to do this task. This is a…
Ever felt the need to count blank cells in a given data and don't know how? Google Sheets provides us with COUNTBLANK Function to do this task. This is a…
COUNTUNIQUEIFS in the truest sense is a hybrid of COUNTUNIQUE & COUNTIFS, literally bringing the best of both worlds. (Highly recommended to have a look at above two articles before…
Counting is a very fundamental operation in any spreadsheet activity and fortunately Google Sheets provides us with a plethora of count related function to work with. COUNTUNIQUE is one such…
Counting is a very fundamental operation for any spreadsheet related work. COUNTA is an advanced version it's predecessor COUNT and is widely used in Google Sheets While COUNTA is a…
Counting is a very fundamental operation for any spreadsheet related work. While there are a family of functions to help you in this regard, COUNT Function is certainly the most…
COUNTIFS Function helps us get conditional counts within a range based upon multiple criteria's. It's a enhanced version of it's sister function COUNTIF which also gives us conditional counts but…