ROUNDDOWN Function in Google Sheets
ROUNDDOWN Function belongs to the family of Mathematical functions in Google Sheet used for rounding numbers. It's very similar to ROUND Function, just with the difference that it will always…
ROUNDDOWN Function belongs to the family of Mathematical functions in Google Sheet used for rounding numbers. It's very similar to ROUND Function, just with the difference that it will always…
ROUNDUP Function belongs to the family of Mathematical functions in Google Sheet used for rounding numbers. It's very similar to ROUND Function, just with the difference that it will always…
MROUND Function forms a part of family of Rounding Functions in Google Sheet. It helps you return the nearest multiple of value with a specified factor. Hence, its functionally closer…
ROUND Function belongs to the family of Mathematical functions in Google Sheet used for rounding numbers. While there are other functions like TRUNC/INT/CEILING/FLOOR , ROUND is the most commonly used…
CEIL Function belongs to the family of Mathematical functions in Google Sheet used for rounding numbers. CEILING Function stands apart from other sister functions like Round/INT/TRUNCT etc since it lets…
TRUNC Function truncates a decimal number to a certain number of significant digits. Say like converting 12.365 to 12.3 or 10.5322 to 10.53 This is a very useful function if…
Google Sheets provides a variety of functions to perform rounding operations on numbers, INT Function being one of them. Using INT Function you can very easily round down decimals to…