Add Header, Footer and Page Numbers in Google Sheet

Unlike Google Docs, we don’t have any option to add Headers and Footers to the Sheet normally. To add headers and footers, we’ll have to print the sheet first.

In this tutorial we have outlined the detailed steps do add basic headers/footers and custom headers/footers. Stay Tuned.

What is Header and Footer?

Before we understand the underlying steps let’s align on the definitions.

Header is the information that is present on the top of the page. Can be page title, section name, document name etc

Footer is the information that is present in the bottom of the page. Can be page numbers, dates etc.

Below is a sample page indicating what header and footer looks like on a Google Spreadsheet.

Header and Footer in Google Sheet

Steps to Add Header and Footer in Google Sheet

Follow the below steps:

Step 1: Open the Google Sheet Document you wanted to add headers and footers too.

Sample data in google sheet

Step 2: Under Menu bar goto File -> Print.(or use the shortcut Ctrl+P)

Print Option in Google Sheet

A new window like the below will open.

Print Preview in Google sheet

Step 3: Click Headers and Footers on the Right hand side Panel. Now choose the elements you want to have in header and footers. Don’t worry about the placement. Google Sheets will Take Care of it.

Header and Footer Options in Google Sheet

Step 4: Say, we selected all the options. Below is what our page will look like.

Sample Header and Footer in Google sheet

As you can see all the elements, like Page Numbers, Date Time, Sheet Name, Document Name have been placed at different positions in Header/Footer.

Below is a demo of how this looks in action:

Demo - How to add Header and Footer in Google Sheet

Adding Custom Headers and Footers in Google Sheets

In case you want to add custom headers then click “EDIT CUSTOM FEILDS” in Step 3 of previous section.

Custom Headers and Footers in Google Sheets

Next, Add the Custom Header and Footer Text.

Header and Footer Demo in Google Sheet

Then Click Confirm on top-right hand corner.

That’s it on this topic. If you still have any questions, then drop a comment below. Keep browsing SheetsInfo for more such useful information 🙂

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I love Google Sheets and heavily rely upon it on a day to day basis. SheetsInfo is my attempt to share my learning with all of you. Hope you find the articles easy to read and simple to understand.

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