How to Divide in Google Sheets

Fundamental mathematical operations like Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication & Division are very easy to do in Google Sheets. In this article we will focus on the use of DIVIDE() Function and ‘/’ [Forward Slash Operator] to perform Division in Google Sheets.

We’ll also cover associated caveats and couple of practical examples to boost our understanding in this topic.

Using DIVIDE() Function

Excel Offers a Simple DIVIDE() Function for this purpose. You can simply type it out or select it from Functions Dropdown.

DIVIDE Function in Google Sheet
Option 1: Directly Type the Function
Divide Function from Function Dropdown in Google Sheet
Option 2: Section from the Function Dropdown

Syntax and Parameter Definition

=DIVIDE(dividend, divisor)
  1. dividend :- The number which is to be divided. Can be static number or cell reference
  2. divisor :- The number by which the division has to happen. Can be static number or cell reference. Should not be Zero, 0.

Note: Both the parameters should be of number format. Any other format will result in an ‘#VALUE!’ error.

Expected Output

DIVIDE Function performs the division of Dividend/Divisor and gives back the results. See examples below.

DIVIDE Function Example - Google Sheet

Note we get an error of ‘#DIV/0!’ if we put Divisor and Zero which is very much expected. Also, we get a ‘#VALUE!’ Error if we provide a character input in place of a number.

Using Forward Slash “/” Operator

Instead of using the DIVIDE Function, a simple mathematical operator of forward-slash “/” can be also used to achieve the same end result.

Syntax and Parameter Definition

  1. dividend :- The number which is to be divided. Can be static number or cell reference
  2. divisor :- The number by which the division has to happen. Can be static number or cell reference. Should not be Zero, 0.

Note: Both the parameters should be of number format. Any other format will result in an ‘#VALUE!’ error.

Expected Output

The results obtained using “/” are exactly similar to DIVIDE Function. Even the callouts related to “#DIV/0!” error and “#VALUE!” error remain the same.

Divide in Google Sheet using Forward Slash "/" Operator

Examples of Divide Function

In a real-world scenario there are more than scenario where division will be needed in Google Sheet. We have tried to cover couple of them below.

Calculate Percentage(%) in Google Sheet

Representing divided outputs as percentages can be very easily achieved in Google Sheets.

1.. Select the cells you want to represent as percentages.

Percentage in Google Sheet

2.. Under Menu Bar goto Format-> Numbers -> Percentage.

Percentage in Google Sheet

3. Cells D3:D6 now are represented as percentages.

Percentage in Google Sheet

Alternatively, you may also use the shortcut SHIFT+CTRL+5 to directly convert any cells or group of cells to percentage.

Dividing Two Columns in Google Sheet

More often than not you will be needing to Divide vast amounts of data present across columns.

Say, we have the following data in Google Sheet and we want to get the result of dividing Col B/Col C in Col D.

Dividing Two Columns in Google Sheet


Apply the DIVIDE Function in D3, then double click the square dot at the bottom-right edge of D3 in Left-Image. This will trigger auto-populate action and the formula will be applied till the end of the table in right-image.

Sample Data - Google Sheets
Drag and Drop - Google Sheet


This is a smarter way to achieving the same objective. We will use ARRAYFORMULA Function. It’s a very straightforward method.

We just need to apply the below formula and the formula will be applied till the end of the selection in one go.

Divide using ARRAYFORMULA  - Google Sheets
Type the ARRAYFORMULA and Press Enter
Divide using ARRAYFORMULA  - Google Sheets
Results get populated across D3:D16

Dividing Entire Column by a Number in Google Sheet

Using ARRAYFORMULA function mentioned above it’s also very easy to divide entire column by a single number.

In the example shown below we are dividing the entire column B with 10.

Divide Column by a Number - Google Sheets

Divide without Remainder in Google Sheet

You can easily layoff the decimal portion using appropriate rounding functions like INT. INT rounds value down to it’s nearest integer. For example 3.2 becomes 3 vs 3.7 becomes 4.

Divide Without Remainder - Google Sheets

That’s it on this topic. Keep browsing SheetsInfo for more such useful information 🙂

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I love Google Sheets and heavily rely upon it on a day to day basis. SheetsInfo is my attempt to share my learning with all of you. Hope you find the articles easy to read and simple to understand.

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